Safety, Agriculture, Villages & Environment

Watching out for our community


S.A.V.E. is monitoring a Master Plan under consideration by the PA DCNR with participation from the Big Elk Creek Master Planning Task Force. PA DCNR has stated that State Park lands are not subject to local zoning ordinances and land use regulations. There are several planning documents that pertain to the property in Elk Township that should be considered for inconsistencies.

Landscapes3 is the updated comprehensive plan for Chester County that seeks to balance growth with preservation. S.A.V.E. participated in the Landscapes3 planning process, along with many other stakeholder and steering committee members, under the direction of the Chester County Planning Commission.  You can learn more about the PA Municipalities Planning Code (MPC) Act 247 and the role of a comprehensive plan as it pertains to land use at the state, county, and municipal levels. The Chester County Planning Commission provides a very useful source for understanding and following the role of municipalities within their Municipal Corner.

In late 2014, S.A.V.E. was called to action when southern Chester County’s Route 1 corridor was targeted as a corridor of opportunity in the county’s Economic Development Strategy called VISTA 2025. The most alarming language is in Goal 5 pertaining to infrastructure; 5.3 “Support the extension of sewer and water infrastructure in the targeted growth corridor between Route 1 and the East Penn Railroad.” 5.3.1.” Identify public and private financing options for extending sewer and water infrastructure in this corridor.” The entire VISTA 2025 document can be viewed for full context.  Here is a map that shows the Route 1 Corridor.